Updated 17th October 2022
Our clinics will remain open and operating as usual. We are following the current SA government guidelines and will be monitoring the situation and updating our advice and guidelines accordingly.
When attending your next appointment or class, we ask that you:
- Contact us immediately if you do receive a positive result and were recently in a clinic, although the mandatory isolation requirements for positive COVID-19 cases are being removed from October 14th, The Physio Clinic is still a Tier 2 healthcare setting therefore isolation will remain in place. You can call the clinic on 8342 1233 to reschedule your appointment if it falls within the 5 days from positive result or exposure, or if you are still symptomatic.
- As per the SA Health Guidelines, wearing masks is now recommended but no longer mandatory at The Physio Clinic. While this may come as a great relief for many of our clients, we also understand that this change may cause considerable stress and anxiety for others. The unfortunate truth is that COVID-19 isn’t going anywhere, it’s in our community and it will be with us for a long time. We all know someone who is living with a compromised immune system – whether it’s yourself, a loved one or a friend – Please keep in mind that these people are at higher risk of serious infection.
- Prefer to wear a mask? No worries, our friendly admin team have plenty of spares or you can bring your own.
- Please let your physio know if you’d feel more comfortable with them wearing a mask and they’ll happily put one on.
- Masks will still be required in our clinics if you’re a close contact or someone in your household is unwell. We offer telehealth appointments if needed. We want all of our clients and staff to feel as comfortable as possible during these times. Please don’t hesitate to contact us on 8342 1233 if you have any questions regarding these changes.
- Provide honest and open communication about any possible COVID-related symptoms and reschedule any appointments if you or your household members are unwell. We ask that you receive a negative COVID result before returning to the clinic.
- Come as close as possible to your appointment time to reduce time in the waiting area, including for group exercise classes.
- Practice social distancing when appropriate, including in our group exercise classes.
- Follow instructions to clean down equipment used in our group exercise classes using provided sanitising spray.
- Please bring your own towel and drink bottle to all group exercise classes.
Please feel free to give us a call or talk to your clinician if you have any concerns. We also have telehealth services available if you would prefer to keep in contact with your physiotherapist virtually in the short term.
We thank you for your assistance in keeping our team and community safe and look forward to working together with you in these challenging times.
Read the latest advice from SA Health – Help & Advice on COVID
At The Physio Clinic, we’re focused on the well-being of every person who steps through our clinic doors. This includes the health and safety of our local communities, which is you, our patients, as well as our team members.
➕ We want to reassure you that we are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, are regularly updating our internal policy and processes according to any daily mandates and recommendations from the government and the Department of Health.
➕ We are asking patients to let us know if they are showing signs or symptoms of the Coronavirus. Should this be the case we are rescheduling appointments and requesting clearance by their GP or evidence of a returned a negative test.
➕ We have made hand sanitisers and hand-washing facilities available to all our team members and patients within the clinic. We are following best guidelines from the Department of Health for cleaning our clinic facilities, waiting areas and equipment.
➕ Where possible clinics are being re-arranged to ensure there is less close contact between patients, and as able we are moving our patients quickly through and away from the common areas. This includes implementing the current social distancing guidelines (2m apart, 1 person per 4m squared inside).
Click here for current information from the Australian Government Department of Health
Other ways you can help us, help you.
Steps you can take:
- Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or hand dryer.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if you don’t have access to wash hands with soap and water
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow
- Call your GP first if you need medical attention. They will advise you what to do
- Continue healthy habits: exercise, drink water, get plenty of sleep
- If you have flu like symptoms or you are presenting as unwell, please call our clinic where our reception team will assist you to reschedule your appointment.
- Practice social distancing and avoid touching, shaking hands, kissing, hugging, and other intimate contact with others
- We ask that only the individual being treated attend the clinic. In the interests of health and safety for all we are attempting to minimise the number of people in the waiting room at any given time.
Some extra items to now bring along to your appointment:
- Pen (if you would prefer not to use the pens at our reception desk)
- Water bottle
We appreciate that it is a challenging time for all and that some of these measures may create some disruption to your treatment. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure that we can continue to deliver a safe and reassuring service to all of our valued patients.