Are you fit for golf? Have a golf assessment today

  • Relieve sore joints from golf
  • Hit the ball further
  • Improve your ball striking
  • Prevent injury

What is a Golf Assessment?

A screening which involves a Physiotherapist analysing various aspects of your physical make up to determine your strengths & weaknesses. These weaknesses may be the cause of current problems or could have the potential to cause injury & limit your performance.

What’s on offer?

The screening involves the evaluation of your alignment and “golf posture”, flexibility of muscles/joints relevant to the golf swing, trunk and pelvic strength, golf swing technique and fitness testing.

You will receive a thorough summary of the findings, and then a program is designed to rectify problems in the form of treatment, home exercises and advice.

Sessions are run by Golf Physiotherapist Ben Corso at our Prospect clinic location or by arrangement at your local golf club with your PGA professional.


3D Golf Analysis

Golfers – Have your swing analysed in 3D

  • Hit the ball further
  • Improve your ball striking
  • Reduce your risk of injuries

What is 3D Swing Analysis?

A computerised swing analysis system used to measure exactly the way your body moves during your golf swing. It has been used by the best players in the world and is accurate to within 1 degree.

What’s on offer?

Sessions run for one hour with a physiotherapist and golf professional to measure your body movements wearing a sensored vest.

Hit approximately 10 shots, then receive a ½ hour biofeedback training period to correct your movement faults whilst wearing the vest.

A detailed report highlighting your strengths and weaknesses is provided along with exercises advice designed to correct your individual faults and a computer generated 3D model of your swing.

Sessions are run with Golf Physiotherapist Ben Corso in conjunction with your PGA professional either onsite at our Prospect Clinic, or by arrangement at your local golf club with your PGA professional.


Golf Exercise Classes

  • Improve your golf swing
  • Reduce golf related joint pain
  • Prevent injury
  • Improve your posture

What are Golf Exercise Classes?

Exercise classes are a great way of improving your core strength and the stability of your spine. Classes include a range of Pilates-informed exercises within an evidence-based and therapeutic framework.

Strong core muscles are essential for a consistent golf swing and preventing golf related injuries, hence stay in the game for longer!

What’s on offer?

We run both individual sessions and group classes for people of all ages, fitness levels and lifestyles. Sessions are tailored to your individual goals and abilities under close physiotherapist supervision at our clinics in metro Adelaide, South Australia.

Our sessions are run by qualified physiotherapists.

For more information speak with our friendly admin staff on 8342 1233

Available at the following clinics