What is neurological physiotherapy or neurological rehabilitation?

Neurological physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of conditions that affect the nerves of the brain or the body.  People with neurological conditions can experience difficulties of physical function including problems with muscle strength, range of movement, co-ordination, sensation, balance and mobility. Neurological rehabilitation utilises the principles of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, movement science and exercise therapy to guide treatment aimed at improving an individual’s physical function and independence.

Who are we?

Kate Seeliger, an APA Neurological Physiotherapist, leads a team of dedicated practitioners in the management of a range of neurological conditions.  Our experienced clinicians can assist people who are experiencing difficulties with walking, balance, muscle weakness or tightness, reduced movement or sensation, impaired co-ordination, fatigue, pain or dizziness.

What do we treat?

Our team can provide specialised treatment for various neurological conditions including (but not limited to):

  • Ataxia
  • Brain Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Concussion
  • Dizziness & Disequilibrium
  • Dystonia
  • Falls & fear of falling
  • Functional Neurological Disorder
  • Guillian-Barre Syndrome
  • Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis
  • Migraine
  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Polio & Post-polio Syndrome (LEoP)
  • Stroke
  • Vestibular disorders

What do we offer?

Neurological physiotherapy may include:

  • Hands-on physiotherapy treatment
  • Assistance with symptomatic management (eg., for pain, fatigue, spasticity and muscle tension)
  • Consideration of orthotic and walking aid prescription and/ or referral
  • Balance and mobility exercises
  • Gait retraining
  • Therapy for enhanced body awareness, skilled movement acquisition and motor re-learning in both the upper and lower limbs
  • Targeted vestibular rehabilitation
  • Tailored strengthening and fitness programs
  • Liaison with other family members and carers, therapists, services and community organisations as required and ongoing advice, support and advocacy
  • Functional Electrical Stimulation
  • Enhance Your Rehabilitation with BlazePods

Why Choose TPC?

Our clients receive comprehensive, individualised assessments, education and advice on the potential role of neurological physiotherapy in their management and recovery. 

Our philosophy at The Physio Clinic is to use an evidence-based approach and active management program to formulate the optimal treatment regime needed to improve our client’s mobility and function.

We have access to full onsite- gym facilities with supervised exercise classes and the option of accessing community hydrotherapy pools in order to create a high-quality, individualised treatment plan for each client.

The Physio Clinic offers services to all clients, including those funded under NDIS, DVA and Workcover/ Allianz arrangements and those accessing EPC agreements.  A doctor’s referral is not required.

The Physio Clinic has wheelchair access and on-site parking.

For more information speak with our friendly admin staff on 8342 1233

Available at the following clinics