
What is Vestibular Physiotherapy or Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialised form of therapy designed to alleviate both the primary and secondary impairments related to a range of vestibular (inner ear) disorders. It often consists of an exercise-based program designed to reduce vertigo and dizziness, enhance gaze stability or visual focus, improve balance and stability and reduce the risk of falls.  It may also include treatment of any secondary impairments that result from the vestibular disorder, such as neck pain and tension, headaches, nausea, fatigue, poor concentration and de-conditioning.

What do we treat?

In particular, our team can provide specialised treatment for various forms of dizziness including that arising from:

Meet the team

Kate Seeliger, an APA Neurological Physiotherapist, leads a team of dedicated practitioners in the management of a range of neurological conditions. Our experienced clinicians can assist people who are experiencing difficulties with walking, balance, muscle weakness or tightness, reduced movement or sensation, impaired co-ordination, fatigue, pain or dizziness.

Kate Seeliger

APA Titled Neurological Physiotherapist & Accredited Vestibular Physiotherapist

Samantha Geake

Accredited Vestibular Physiotherapist

Chloe Taylor

Accredited Vestibular Physiotherapist

What do we offer?

Common treatments for vestibular disorders may combine education, repositioning manoeuvres, head and eye co-ordination exercises, balance and gait retraining, hands-on soft tissue and joint mobilisation, aerobic re-conditioning, falls prevention strategies and reintegration back into normal daily activities such as work and exercise. 

Read more about Vesticam: New Technology to Help Treat Dizziness here

Why choose TPC?

Our clients receive comprehensive, individualised assessments, diagnosis, education and advice on the role of vestibular rehabilitation in their management and recovery.

Our philosophy at The Physio Clinic is to use an evidence-based approach and active management program to formulate the optimal treatment regime needed to improve our client’s mobility and function.

We have access to full onsite- gym facilities with supervised exercise classes and the option of accessing community hydrotherapy pools in order to create a high-quality, individualised treatment plan for each client.

The Physio Clinic offers services to all clients, including those funded under NDIS, DVA and Workcover/ Allianz arrangements and those accessing EPC agreements.

A doctor’s referral is not required.

Available at the following clinics